Bare To Play
And He said to them, "Take heed, and beware of all covetousness; for a (woman's) life does not consist in the abundance of (her) possessions."
(Luke 12:15)
They have eyes full of adultery, insatiable for sin. They entice unsteady souls. They have hearts trained in greed. Accursed children! (2nd Peter 2:14)
"You shall not steal." (Exodus 20:15)
"You shall not steal, nor deal falsely, nor lie to one another." (Leviticus 19:11)
The commandments, "You shall not commit adultery, You shall not kill, You shall not steal, You shall not covet," and any other commandment, are summed up in this sentence, "You shall love your neighbor as yourself." (Romans 13:9)
moreover (she) must be well thought of by outsiders, or (she) may fall into reproach and the snare of the Devil. (1st Timothy 3:7)
but I preferred to do nothing without your consent in order that your goodness might not be by compulsion but of your own free will. (Philemon 1:14)
(Treat) older women like mothers, younger women like sisters, in all purity. (1st Timothy 5:2)
For this is the will of God, your sanctification: that you abstain from unchastity;
that each one of you know how to take a wife for himself in holiness and honor,
not in the passion of lust like heathen who do not know God;
that no man transgress, and wrong his brother in this matter, because the Lord is an avenger in all these things, as we solemnly forewarned you.
For God has not called us for uncleanness, but in holiness.
Therefore whoever disregards this, disregards not man but God, who gives his Holy Spirit to you. (1st Thessalonians 4:3-8)
But because of the temptation to immorality, each man should have his own wife and each woman her own husband. (1st Corinthians 7:2)
Do not refuse one another except perhaps by agreement for a while, that you may devote yourselves to prayer; but then come together again, lest Satan tempt you through lack of self-control. (1st Corinthians 7:5)

Dr Fauci said that wearing facemasks is NOT necessary (and even somewhat harmful)
High-School Graduation-Test Final Exam
The Bible both condones and allows harem polygamy and such is NOT a sin nor bigamy which a man needs to repent of or else be damned.
That is why the definition of marriage being "the sexually-oriented union of ONE man and ONE woman" is and always has been non-acceptable to me, being that it insinuates monogamy exclusively and excludes the possibility of legitimate non-bishop/non-deacon Biblical polygamy (obviously consisting of females-only multiple wives and/or concubines - never multiple husbands) . . . even though Jesus referred to a man leaving his parents and joining "with his wife" - wrongly implying to some singular monogamy.
The possibility (thus legitimacy) of having two wives simultaneously is engrained into Mosaic Torah Law, even though it behooves a man to marry only one at a time (as Jacob did) and not two or more at once.
Clearly, the need to disassociate from parents occurring upon marriage by a man with his first wife or concubine thus accomplishes Divine intention, and continue upon his marriage with additional harem spouses. Unfortunately, homosexuals have misconstrued rejection of "ONE man and ONE woman Marriage" to advocate for pervert homosodomite pseudo-"marriage" aberration.
Therefore, the corrected phrase of: "Marriage consists of the sexually-oriented union of man and woman" would be adequate and sufficient - leaving out the words: "one" and "one".
However, Scripture does not necessarily recommend a man simultaneously possessing opposite-gender multiple spouses (Deuteronomy 17:17 and First Corinthians 7:32-35), but instead encourages heterosexual monogamy in typical situations.
Both pre-Torah and Torah required a next-of-kin to acquire and impregnate his DEAD brother's wife (whether or not he already has a wife and children by her, unless personal inheritance impaired) according to Genesis 38:8, Leviticus 20:21, and Deuteronomy 25:5-12.
Recall the story of young-widow Ruth and old-guy Boaz (and apply the first few verses of Romans chapter 7 recalling both David's initially-childless Abigail and initially-childless Ruth of Boaz).
The Torah mentions inheritance issues for a man with two wives, one liked and the other disliked (Deuteronomy 21:15-16). Recall child-production inter-spouse animosities mentioned involving Elkanah's Penuel vs Hannah (First Samuel 1:1-8), between maid-giveaway Sarah vs Hagar (Genesis 16:4-5), and between maid-giveaways Rachel vs Leah (Genesis 30:1-24).
Remember Lot's godly but incestous two impregnated daughters (Genesis 19:30-34). No sin mentioned.
No sacrifice for sin ever mentioned for non-excessive polygamy (Solomon's was excessive and with some bad women, per First Kings 11:2-9).
Generally, the patriarches loved their primary wives the most. But they, of necessity, also loved their secondary wives and concubines (NOT milfs nor mistresses!) as much as and whenever they could.
In Ecclesiastes chapter 2 verse 8 (RSV) the text mentions "many concubines, man's delight" --inspired realistic Scripture indeed! Better than a laptop or smartphone full of downloaded-and-retained idolatrous galleries of naked-young-women porn pics and vids!
In First Timothy chapter 3 verses 2 and 12, the text states that only bishops and deacons must be monogamous.
The twelve tribes of Israel originated out of women-instigated polygamy, plus the polygamy of Abraham and Gideon and David and Hosea (chapter 3). Isaiah impregnated a prophetess and she birthed a son to him (Isaiah 8:3)
No sin whatsoever about multiple-wives polygamy. Inconvenient and expensive at times (Deuteronomy 17:17 and First Corinthians 7:32-35), but not sin. MARRIAGE was (yet is and will be) involved -- not fornication, adultery, harlotry, prostitution nor homosexual sodomy (including self-sodomizing masturbation).
In America, sheiks and muslims keep all their wives and divorce none under American Law. The primary wife is registered as Spouse in Form 1040.
In the USA, male children of concubines or surrogates assume the last name of their seed father, and perhaps the middle name of the concubine's/surrogate's father, grandfather (depending upon number of male offspring produced), and female children of concubines or surrogates given the middle name of concubine's/surrogate's mother, grandmother (depending upon number of female offspring produced). = Bidens China
Exposee = Peter
LaBarbara = Scott Lively
To avoid legal conflicts, additional (not replacement) spouses have consenting-adults perhaps-cohabitational common-law-similar (non-State-registered) marriages.
Children of non-State-licensed concubines regarded having similar status as children of unwed mothers with father identity and/or location unknown.
OM Background Noise Blocker/Jammer [ Israeli Military Standard ]
Slow Blues Dm using Gibson Les Paul Standard and Line 6 HD300
Guitar Boogie Shuffle
Baritone Boogie
Arthur Smith - Guitar Boogie
Twangy's Boogie
Billy Boppin' Boogie
'Can't Stop The Boogie!' - MyTwangyGuitar's Debut Album!
Traditia (Worship of Rituals)
"Rape" Wife?
CRULES (Control Rules)
FEAR of God?

Those Hell-destined who hate the Benevolent, Consistent, Imaginative, Omnipotent, Omnipresent, and Omniscient God, along with everything and everyone He has made, might retort:
"I did not ask to come into existence, and God imposed me here without my permission."
The proper response is: "You were not asked because you were not existing yet to be asked, and that is your fault - not God's. He did what HE wanted to do, and you could not do anything about it.
Being that He created the planet your despicable carcass is currently infesting, you are trespassing on His property, and will burn because of it, whether you like it or not.
That, again, you are to blame for - not Him.
Who are you to object: a pathetically puny entity object!
You are essentially a nothing no one has to respect, nor be attentive to, nor provide for."
Why Believe The Bible?
Original Sin Nature?
"I Believe in the Sun" (choral song by Arnesen)
"I Believe in God, Even When He is Silent" (choral song by Arnesen)
The Corries - Come O'er The Stream Charlie
Come o'er the stream Charlie [CHAIR-ly], dear Charlie, brave Charlie
Come o'er the stream Charlie, and dine wi MacLean
And though ye be weary, we'll mak yer heart cheery
And welcome oor Charlie and his loyal train
We'll bring doon the red deer, we'll bring doon the black steer
The lamb fae the brecken and the doe fae the glen
The salt sea we'll harry and bring to or Charlie,
The cream fae the bothy, the cock fae the pen
And you will drink freely the dews of Glensheerly,
That stream in the starlight, where kings din naken
And deep be your meed of the wine that is red,
Tae drink to your sire and his friend MacLean
It ought to invite you, or more can delight you,
Tis ready a troop of four bold Highland [HEE-land] men
Shall range on the heather, with bay'net and feather,
Strong arms and broad claymores, three hundred and ten
Body Show

Stephen Paulus - Pilgrims' Hymn (with score)
The Road Home - Stephen Paulus
Guitar Chords Fingering Chart
Toccata by Eugene Butler
Cateresy: Atonement by Ingesting Eucharist?
NO "Purgatory"
NO woman should orate in a pulpit nor at a lecturn
near the altar in any Christian church, Islamic mosque, or Jewish synagogue
within a congregation containing men, per First Corinthians 14:33-38 and First Timothy 2:11-14.

Love Hate
Also, NO child 12 and under (noisy or not) should be allowed entrance into any religious-worship sanctuary
per Job 6:24 & 13:5, Psalm 62:1, Proverbs 22:15, Ecclesiastes 3:7, Isaiah 3:12 & 47:5, Habakkuk 2:20,
Zephaniah 1:7 and Zechariah 2:13
All Churches in the United States pastored by a woman clergyperson should have their Tax-Exempt Status revoked,
in accord with Ecclesiastes 7:26-28, Isaiah 3:12, Nahum 3:12-13, First Corinthians 14:33-38, First Timothy 2:8-15, and First Peter 3:7.
Although genuine "ladies" should wear socks with shoes when in general
mixed-gender public view . . .
. . . the natural spouse with non-painted fingernails and no toenails polish is
at her sexually-attractive, most-erotically-appealing, desirable best!

Kyrie(Mass) / Steve Dobrogosz
Credibility of Common Sense Science

Concrete and Steel [ ZZ Top ]
LYRICS: [Ecclesiastes 7:26-28, Proverbs 5,6,7]
Hard and cold, like a street of gold,
It's easy to find but so hard to hold.
Smooth and strong but it won't last long,
When the rust sets in, she'll be good as gone!
Concrete, Concrete and steel.
It's like concrete.
Hey baby, what's the deal?
A heart of stone make you feel alone,
but what can you do when your hand is blown?
Hard as ice, it's like tumblin' dice,
before you fall for her boy, you better think twice.
Concrete, Concrete and steel.
It's like concrete.
Hey baby, what's the deal?
Dark as night, diamond bright,
Never seen such a strange delight.
Slick as glass, and just as fast,
You'll feel the pain, but it won't last.
Miss Misery [ Nazareth ]
Proverbs 21:9 ESV It is better to live in a corner of the housetop than in a house shared with a quarrelsome wife.
Proverbs 21:19 ESV It is better to live in a desert land than with a quarrelsome and fretful woman.
Proverbs 27:15 ESV A continual dripping on a rainy day and a quarrelsome wife are alike
Proverbs 25:24 ESV It is better to live in a corner of the housetop than in a house shared with a quarrelsome wife.
1 Peter 3:1-2 ESV Likewise, wives, be subject to your own husbands, so that even if some do not obey the word, they may be won without a word by the conduct of their wives, when they see your respectful and pure conduct.
Proverbs 19:13 ESV A foolish son is ruin to his father, and a wife's quarreling is a continual dripping of rain.
Proverbs 12:4 ESV An excellent wife is the crown of her husband, but she who brings shame is like rottenness in his bones.
Proverbs 27:15-16 A continual dripping on a rainy day and a quarrelsome wife are alike; to restrain her is to restrain the wind or to grasp oil in one's right hand.
Proverbs 31:10-31 ESV An excellent wife who can find? She is far more precious than jewels. The heart of her husband trusts in her, and he will have no lack of gain. She does him good, and not harm, all the days of her life. She seeks wool and flax, and works with willing hands. She is like the ships of the merchant; she brings her food from far off.
1 Peter 3:5-6 ESV For this is how the holy women who hoped in God used to adorn themselves, by submitting to their own husbands, as Sarah obeyed Abraham, calling him 'sir.' And you are her children, if you do good and do not fear anything that is frightening.
Proverbs 11:22 ESV Like a gold ring in a pig's snout is a beautiful woman without discretion.
Ephesians 5:24 ESV Now as the church submits to Christ, so also wives should submit in everything to their husbands.
Honky Tonky Women [ Rolling Stones ]
Proverbs 30:20 ESV This is the way of an adulteress: she eats and wipes her mouth and says, “I have done no wrong.”
Proverbs 23:26-28 ESV My son, give me your heart, and let your eyes observe my ways. For a prostitute is a deep pit; an adulteress is a narrow well. She lies in wait like a robber and increases the traitors among mankind.
Proverbs 9:13-18 ESV The woman Folly is loud; she is seductive and knows nothing. She sits at the door of her house; she takes a seat on the highest places of the town, calling to those who pass by, who are going straight on their way, “Whoever is simple, let him turn in here! And to him who lacks sense she says, “Stolen water is sweet, and bread eaten in secret is pleasant.”
Proverbs 7:6-27 ESV For at the window of my house I have looked out through my lattice, and I have seen among the simple, I have perceived among the youths, a young man lacking sense, passing along the street near her corner, taking the road to her house in the twilight, in the evening, at the time of night and darkness. And behold, the woman meets him, dressed as a prostitute, wily of heart.
Proverbs 29:3 ESV He who loves wisdom makes his father glad, but a companion of prostitutes squanders his wealth.
Proverbs 5:3-21 ESV For the lips of a forbidden woman drip honey, and her speech is smoother than oil, but in the end she is bitter as wormwood, sharp as a two-edged sword. Her feet go down to death; her steps follow the path to Sheol; she does not ponder the path of life; her ways wander, and she does not know it. And now, O sons, listen to me, and do not depart from the words of my mouth.
Proverbs 5:1-23 ESV My son, be attentive to my wisdom; incline your ear to my understanding, that you may keep discretion, and your lips may guard knowledge. For the lips of a forbidden woman drip honey, and her speech is smoother than oil, but in the end she is bitter as wormwood, sharp as a two-edged sword. Her feet go down to death; her steps follow the path to Sheol.
Proverbs 2:16-19 ESV So you will be delivered from the forbidden woman, from the adulteress with her smooth words, who forsakes the companion of her youth and forgets the covenant of her God; for her house sinks down to death, and her paths to the departed; none who go to her come back, nor do they regain the paths of life.
Proverbs 11:22 ESV Like a gold ring in a pig's snout is a beautiful woman without discretion.
Proverbs 2:16-20 ESV So you will be delivered from the forbidden woman, from the adulteress with her smooth words, who forsakes the companion of her youth and forgets the covenant of her God; for her house sinks down to death, and her paths to the departed; none who go to her come back, nor do they regain the paths of life. So you will walk in the way of the good and keep to the paths of the righteous.
A Great Effect [ D. Grusin - Graduate saxophone ]
Urgent music video
XXX Links (MARRIED Adults ONLY!)
Kentucky Fried Blues [ Nazareth ]
Busted [ Nazareth ]
Birdland [ Notation, by Maynard Ferguson ]
Birdland [ Full Verson, Maynard Ferguson ]
Oasis [by Maynard Ferguson ]
Eiger Sanction = Theme 3
Dress Right
Dress to Caress
Graduation Exam
Law to Obey
Law to Save


Roy Moore Election
Sacrifice to Sin?
What Dress?
a moll










YouTube Music Video (General Assortment)
J.S. Bach - BWV 582 - Passacaglia c-moll / C minor
J.S. Bach Passacaglia c-moll video
J.S. Bach - BWV 552 - Praeludium Es-dur / E-flat major
J.S. Bach - BWV 562 - Fantasia c-moll / C minor
Paul Manz (Savior of the Nations Come)
Oöphoi - Unbearable Sadness of Memories
Om Shri Anantaha
OM Alternate #1
OM Alternate #2
OM Alternate #3
OM Alternate #4
OM Alternate #5
OM in 5ths
OM Alternate #7
OM Alternate #8
Jewish Choir OM?
Om Drone Chant #10
OM Alternature #11
Nam Myoho Renge Kyo#1 Chant
Nam Myoho Renge Kyo #2Chant
Choir OM
OM Alternative #12 (omshort.mp3)
OM Alternate #13 (Breath of Stillness)
OM Alternate #14
Soft Choir OM
Hora De Mantra Om
Morning Mantra
Chinese Zen Music: Guzheng & Erhu
Om 108 Times
Shanti Mantra, Vedic Mysticism, Pandit Jasraj
Choir Chants OM Mantra
Shamanic Tibetan Meditation
Old Inuit Song
James Whitbourn Lux in Tenebris, Luminosity
James Whitbourn Luminosity: Changing Scenes
Gorli 1990 Requiem
Alfred Desenclos Requiem
Mikis Theodorakis - Requiem
James Whitbourn - Requiem Canticorum
Lutkin - The Lord Bless You and Keep You
Era - Cathar Rhythm and After Time
Klaus Wiese - "Towers Of The Night Part I"
Klaus Wiese - Akhira
Oöphoi - Unbearable Sadness of Memories
Klaus Wiese - Canyon [Full album]
Klaus Wiese - Kalengra [Full album]
Klaus Wiese - Divine Orbit [Full album]
Klaus Wiese - Logos [Full album]
Klaus Wiese - KW [Full album]
Klaus Wiese - Monsoon [Full album]
Klaus Wiese - Secret Doctrine [Full album]
Cosm / Klaus Wiese & Jim Cole - Plejades
Klaus Wiese - The Gate
Klaus Wiese- Insect ride
Klaus Wiese - Al-Biruni Part I (excerpt)
Robert Rich - The Other Side Of Twilight
Robert Rich - Erasing Traces
Robert Rich / Steve Roach - Fearless
MIchael Shrieve and Steve Roach - The Leaving Time
Steve Roach - Living The Dream
Steve Roach - Destination Beyond
Flatlands Steve Roach
The Breathing Stone Steve Roach
Ambient Review: Steve Roach - "The Passing"
Steve Roach: Begin Where I End
Robert Rich – Cornea
Robert Rich - Medicine Box - Salamander Quay
Robert Rich - Kaaruwana
Robert Rich - Concentric
Robert Rich -Terra Meta
High School Graduation Final Exam
Girlface Pix
Read God's Word and you will see
His doctrines which will set you free!
Avoid the lies of man-made rules
Ignore the hype of twisted fools.
Holy Scripture helps your soul
The Spirit's witness does extol
TRUE-textual versions of the whole.
The R.S.V. is good to read
Old Testament within is nice indeed.
Beware its clipped New Testament,
E'en worse the N.I.V. is bent
In anti-marriage Devil's creed.
The K.J.V. still seems the best
And far ahead of all the rest,
In rhyme and honest accur'cy
Though with archaic pundancy.
Along with those we think sublime
The NAS will do just fine.
And yet we need consistency
Diverse confusion must not be.
This author had previously read about a discrepancy involving two
supposedly different Old-Testament Hebrew texts of the Bible:
1. The ben Asher
2. The ben Chayyim
I thus typed in both of them (one at a time) into major internet search
engines to investigate.
One KJV-only diehard wrote on the subject,
failing to declare that there was once a need for the creation of the at-that-time new King James Version itself, and that "the KJV" has undergone many revision and edition changes. He spoke of "THE Masoretic Text" without defining if THAT meant the ben Chayyim or the ben Asher text (purportedly discrepant against each other). He condemned Rudolf Kittel and his editor Kahle for putting footnotes in the text of their Stuttgart-edition Hebrew Bible based on a Leningrad Manuscript - with the presumption that Kittel wanted to confuse readers by insinuating that they randomly replace the main text with footnote alterations or substitutions. He went on to state that the American Bible Society offers an 1866-incepted Letteris (ben Chayyim) Hebrew Old-Testament text for sale, but this author has never seen any such advertisement from ABS at any time ever.
Mr. KJV-only also failed to state WHY the ben Asher Hebrew Test was THE (recognized) Received Text in authority until the 1500s, but somehow lost that authenticity until Kittel's 1937 edition of ben Asher's Text - which Text the RSV and NASV are thankfully based upon. Seventh, KJV-only gave credence to a certain "Daniel Bomberg" (whoever HE was) and who (according to the preface of the NKJV Bible) concocted and printed a so-called "first rabbinic bible" in 1516 (whatever THAT was)......followed by [oh oh!]: a SECOND edition (the FIRST was NOT GOOD ENOUGH)? One internet source stated that Jacob ben Chayyim was apparently "some jewish refugee" who the source alleged to have become a Christian (sounds suspicious)! So WHO WAS ben Chayyim, and what were his motives for trashing the traditional ben Asher Text?
With all this in mind, I synthesized two internet pieces from one Jewish author giving further info about ben Asher:
Aaron ben Moses ben Asher lived in Tiberius during the first half of the 10th century. His family had been involved in creating and maintaining the MASORAH for either five or six generations. Ben Asher rapidly gained fame as the most authoritative of the Tiberian masoretes, and even after his death, his name continued to hold respect. His vocalization of the Bible is
still - for all intents and purposes - THE Text Jews continue to use.
Moreover, Aaron ben Moses ben Asher was the first to take Hebrew grammar seriously. His SEFER DIKDUKEI HA-TE'AMIM (Grammar of the Vocalizations) was an original collection of grammatical rules and masoretic information. Grammatical principles were not at that time considered worthy of independent study.
Ben Asher had a tremendous influence on the world of Biblical grammar and scholarship. From documents found in the CAIRO GENIZA, it appears that this most famous masorete (and possibly his family for generations) were also - incidentally - KARAITES.
As early as the eighth century, Talmudic rabbis encountered a major challenge. A group of Jews led by Anan ben David declared that they did not accept the authority of the rabbis to interpret Torah. This group, originally called the Ananites, developed their own understanding of Jewish law based only on the written Torah. The Ananites were stricter and more rigid than the rabbis in their understanding of Torah law. They simply did not accept the rabbis as legitimate authorities of Jewish law. They denied the authority of the Mishnah and the Gemarra.
It is difficult to determine Ananite doctrines because the Ananites relied on the Torah Text. Anan's famous adage was: "Search thoroughly the Torah and don't rely on my opinions."
In the ninth century, the major group of Ananites combined with other anti-rabbinic groups and became known as the Karaites (followers of the Kra, or Torah Text) in their Masoretic tradition of including VOWELS in the Torah Text. They believed that the Torah had originally been written with vowels, and they viewed such Text as the ONLY legitimate one.
It should not be surprising to discover that many masoretes, so involved in the Masorah, held Karaite beliefs. After all, it was the Karaites who placed such absolute reliance on the Torah Text. It would be natural that they would devote their lives to studying every aspect of it. The surprising element was that being a Karaite did not disqualify Aaron ben Moses ben Asher in the eyes of Rabbinic Jews.
In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and God was the Word. That One was in the beginning with God, all things were made through Him, and without Him was not anything made that was made (John 1:1-3).
....the Word of the Lord remains forever (I Peter 1:25).
If the Ten Commandments etched in stone did not exist before God carved them out for Moses on the mountain, certainly the KJV did not exist before then either. After Noah and his kin descended down off the ark on a world devoid of any lifeforms and whatever hieroglyphics previously around (if any, whether Phoenician, Egyptian, Chinese, whatever), God laid down the Hebrew ALPHABET for Moses and the nations on Mount Sinai (amidst all the then-existing Babel languages and their written symbols occurring after The Flood).
The spoken (or oral) Bible started out rather simply with God verbally, audibly or however (without printed mass media) telling humanity to reproduce and eat green stuff (Genesis chapter 1), and telling Adam, in particular, to not eat of "the forbidden tree." Apparently, that
divine tidbit of as-yet-nonwritten Scripture was conveyed (by whoever) to the inferior gender, who soon became the first nude preacheress on record to discourse with a snake. Her sermonette to Satan had a few omissions and additions pertaining to the intended Original Text (e.g. the word "freely" was left out, along with "midst of the garden," and a brand-new addition of hers "neither shall you touch it" was added.
Thus, that first weaker-sex woman (ancestral grandmother of us all) competed against the Devil on her own, without Adam, in power-hungry feminist-"equality" arrogance and female naivity (precursor of maryolatrous catholic who presume a female and God alone can create kiddies without any guy around).....and so corrupted the earliest and simplest Scripture. Her usually-clothed-thereafter progenie have continued to screw things up ever since, as more and more sacred sayings were mangled by myriads mouthing mindless blatterings masquerading as gospel truth.
Again, the LORD Himself intervened to (thankfully) a male human, again. On the two tablets of stone in rock, He Himself (with any one of His fingers, including His third) wrote down The Text, instructing Rabbi Moses in details enabling him to compose the Pentateuch (Torah) Old Testament according to creationist info supernaturally supplied.
God also talked to others verbally, like from between two cherubim above the mercy seat of the ark of the covenant after talking out of a burning bush which didn't really burn (i.e. DID burn but was constantly rejuvenated for more to burn (sort of like the future bodies of those who will forever continue to burn to the ages of the ages in the hellish Lake of Fire). He also spoke audibly out of a cloud, using the mouth of Jesus, out of a blinding light on some road to Damascus, and to a Peter, Paul, and John (original 12 apostles) and others in dreams and visions.
Outside of what is recorded in the Bible, any dreams or visions having occurred or allegedly occurred, occurring or allegedly occurring, to occur or allegedly occur, can be questioned as to authenticity of whether or not being GOD'S actual revelation on a more or less take it or leave it basis.
Which brings us to what is TRULY canonical bona fide Bible, and what is FAKE [pseudo]-"biblical" utterances. Jesus Himself read from a copy of the book of Isaiah handed to Him in a temple. Whatever Old-Testament books and writings He and his New-Testament gospel and epistle authors referred to can obviously be considered canonical.
Such historically happened, causing eyewitnesses to relate perfectly to next-generation faithful and honest copyists who non-carelessly read, recorded, and related ALL PERTINENT words written in common public alpha-to-omega Greek letters EVERYONE in their right mind could understand -- inerrant to the last iota jot and tittle. Dedicated printing of such on papyrus was inspired and infallible.
The Divine Copyright Enforcer had, has, and will have His ways to insure that His Word is clearly and obviously canonical......
First, He is the Jealous Executioner. To name a few examples of the disfavored in the Old Testament who bit the dust: the assaultive perverts of Sodom and Gomorrah, Er and Onan (Judah's son's of Genesis 38), pollutive harassing belligerant canaanites who Joshua and the Jews exterminated under orders from God, Haman the diabolical antisemite (Book of Esther), 100 state-trooper sheriff-deputy type soldiers ganging up on Elijah (II Kings 1), 186,000 Assyrian commandos (Isaiah 37:36), Hananiah the false prophet (Jeremiah 28), lying Ananias and Sapphira (Acts 5), child-murderer saint-beheader Roman governor Herod (Acts 12), at least sixteen 9112001 megavandal genocidal Saudi-terrorist kamakazes who admirably murdered
themselves with suicide, etc.
Second, the LORD preserved (and preserves!) the lives of his elect, providentially provides for and fills them with boundless phenomenal faith, joy, and confidence. Remember The Bomb which annihilated Shinto-cultic Jap
terrorists and their supporters who had brutally demolished Pearl Harbor. Remember ethereally-uplifting Billy-Graham-crusade-choir singing.
Getting back to the Dark Ages, saints within and outside the Catholic Church faithfully copied The ONE Text which they had received from previous saints and preserved by a Power not of this Earth.
Autograph-accurateText in papyrus, headquartered in Antioch, was diversely scattered and read, becoming more ancient and worn as time went on, but CAREFULLY-copied duplicates were PAINSTAKINGLY produced, and such
already-canonical Text was disseminated in greater and greater numbers worldwide.
Inevitably, counterfeits (like weeds) began to appear from heretics such as Marcion and others who concocted corrupt
Alexandrian and Sinaiticus type Greek-lettered replacements - blasphemously miscalled "manuscripts"- ultimately synthesized by the occultic-spiritualist demonic duo Hort and Westcott in England in the late 1800s, peddled and promoted thereafter by Metzger, Aland, and Nestle.
The ORIGINAL Text survived in entirety, however, true to God's promise and power of indestructibility and eternal longevity. Erasmus (respected by Martin Luther) tried to sort out the genuine from the garbage, and at that time did his best with consecutive improving editions. Beza and Stephanus continued the refinement, and Scrivener of England finally put it all together in 1894 into what is now known as the Scrivener Trinitarian Greek Text of the New Testament for these momentous last days before Christ's visible bodily return to Earth at Armageddon.
The TRUE Greek Text of Matthew 1:23 contains the Greek word parthenos for virgin (pronounced PARTH-en-ahss) speaking of that blessed [temporary] virgin Mariam (literal Greek spelling) who would conceive her FIRST-born (NOT "only"-born) son (per Matthew 1:24) of the Holy SPIRIT [not occultish "Ghost" and not by Planned Parentlessness/Planned Promiscuity] with legimately-carnal "knowledge" (Gr. gin(o)sk(o), pronounced jeen-OH-skoh) of and with a male human (see Luke 1:34) a reproductive-choice-for-life living saint, bear a SON (Gr. uion, pronounced HWEE-ahn, per Luke 1:31) not abortive-tissue "fetus."
The Revised Standard Version (RSV) has, for its Isaiah 7:14, the following: "a young woman shall conceive and bear a son" (with contradictory "virgin" footnote)....whereas the King James Version (KJV) has the phrase "...the virgin shall conceive and bear a son" (instead of young woman) for the exact same passage.
Well, WHICH IS it: "young woman," or "virgin?" All young-women virgins are young women, but obviously not all young women are young-women virgins. If you the reader don't get it, I'll elaborate: A young woman who has lain (clothed or partially clothed or naked) with a man sexually is not a virgin, but she is still a young woman. Allow NONE to be accursed FOOLS and blatter that "it doesn't matter" or "whatever" pertaining to precise word choice. It certainly DOES matter!
To start to resolve this dilemma, we must turn to the original-language Textual words of Scripture, and in doing so, utilize Strong's Word Numbering designations to facilitate our delving into difficult-for-most strange-to-English Hebrew alphabet lettering.
Neither the words "young woman" (Strong's Word# 5959) nor "virgin" (Strong's Word# 1330) could legitimately be REPLACED with the SUBSTITUTE word damsel, maid, maiden, nor girl - being that such are not necessarily (and usually NOT) of childbearing age, NOR necessarily virgin. Indeed, the word "girl" in the Hebrew Text of the Old Testament is invariably identified with Strong's Word# 5291, as is the case in II Kings 5:2, Esther 2:7, and Esther 2:12. Besides, both boys and men can ALSO be virgins - though male ones, of course. That is why the KJV uses the somewhat-poorly-worded phrase: "a damsel that is a virgin" [in Deuteronomy 22:28] rather than RSV's term: "a virgin."
The word maid is INADEQUATE as a substitute word for either "young woman" or "girl," because "maid" of nondeniable necessity carries an additional connotation of SERVITUDE as a SLAVE or EMPLOYEE. Again, there is a separate and different Strong's Word# for the Hebrew words of slave-girl, maidservant, etc.
Below is elaboration exposing mistranslations (thus discrepancies) and inaccuracies of BOTH the King James Version and the Revised Standard Version.
Many have related the Matthew 1:23 passage of the prophet predicting that a VIRGIN shall conceive and bear a the Old-Testament reference of Isaiah 7:14. Isaiah 7:14 does NOT contain Strong's English-lettered Hebrew-text Word# 1330, but does contain Strong's Word# 5959. The question is whether Word# 5959 is also identifiable with the word "virgin" - or is it instead simply "young woman?"
In our English language, is it possible for the virginity of a woman (i.e. a woman who has not "known" a male by "lying with him") to be designated virginity without exclusively using the word "virginity?" If so, WHAT exact other word (without resorting to the use of euphemisms) could we substitute which would convey the idea of woman's virginity? If none could be thought of offhand, perhaps only the word "virginity" adequately portrays the concept of virginity.
Thus, there are no other Hebrew words other than Strong's Word# 5959 representing the concept of "virgin" Strong's Word# 5959 (which this webauthor believes is inaccurately rendered with the phrase: "virgin") cannot also be identified with nor equivalent to Strong's Word# 1330 word as also "virgin!"
There is significant errant sloppiness and inaccuracy within both the King James Version and the Revised Standard Version Old Testament pertaining to the use and misuse of the Strong-Word#-identified words "virgin" and "maid" (again, two DIFFERENT entities altogether).
For example, Strong's Word# 1330 in Exodus 22:16 is correctly rendered "virgin" in the RSV but incorrectly rendered "maid" in the KJV.
Strong's Word# 1330 in Second Chronicles 36:17 is correctly rendered "virgin" in the RSV but incorrectly rendered "maid" in the KJV.
Strong's Word# 1330 in Job 31:1 is correctly rendered "virgin" in the RSV but incorrectly rendered "maid" in the KJV....relating to the type of female whom Job would not lustfully look upon.
Sometimes, both the KJV and the RSV have it the same pertaining to Strong's Word# 1330, as in both RSV's and KJV's Jeremiah 2:32 and in Jeremiah 51:22, where both versions incorrectly state the word: "maid" instead of virgin.
Do both Bible versions ever agree that Strong's Word# 5959 should be "young woman" instead of "virgin?" or vice-versa?
In Exodus 2:8, Strong's Word# 5959 is correctly rendered "maid" in the KJV and rendered "girl" in the RSV pertaing to sister Miriam watching baby Moses. In Proverbs 30:19, both the KJV and the RSV render Strong's Word# 5959 as "maid". The KJV incorrectly renders Strong's Word# 5959 in Isaiah 7:14 as "virgin".
In Genesis 24:16 virgin Rebekkah [with whom no male had yet lain] and identified as Strong's Word# 1330, and is designated a "virgin" by the RSV. In Genesis 24:43, Abraham's servant requests of the LORD a Strong's Word# 5959 "young woman" (which the RSV has translated: "young woman").
Strong's Word# 5959 of Isaiah 7:14 incorrectly translated as "virgin" obviously means that Strong's Word# 1330 cannot also be correctly translated: "virgin".
Word #5959 in Exodus 2:8 is indeed: "young woman" referring to Moses-baby-watcher Miriam. Being that Word #5959 found in Isaiah 7:14 is translated as: "virgin" in the KJV, why has the KJV then [illogically] rendered the exact-same Hebrew-lettered word #5959 in Exodus 2:8:"maid?"
Strong's Word# 1330 is most definitely: "virgin." That precise Hebrew-lettered word is found in Genesis 24:16 (describing the Rebekkah of good form) but not in Genesis 24:43 (in which latter reference containing Strong's Word# 5959 the KJV incorrectly states as: "virgin" instead of: "young woman)." Word# 1330 is also found in Deuteronomy 22:19 (referring to a virgin of Israel).
The KJV incorrectly renders Strong's Word# 1330 in Job 31:1 as: "maid" whereas the RSV rightly renders Strong's Word# 1330 in that Bible verse as: virgin" (whom righteous Job could not lustfully look upon).
One final serious but vital discrepancy is mentioned.
Ezekiel 23:8 of the RSV (involving Strong's Word# 1330) states that immoral lovers "handled her "virgin" bosom...whereas Ezekiel 23:8 of the KJV vaguely (and inadequately) states that immoral lovers "corrupted" her (whatever THAT sexually or non-sexually means or intended to mean).
Strong's Word numbering assists us in understanding properly-more graphic words the Lord intended us to see and perceive but only found in Ezekiel chapter 23 (e.g. Strong's Word# 1717 for "nipples" in verses 3,8, and 21 as also found in Proverbs 5:19.....Strong's Word# 6213 for "squeezed" therein.....and Strong's Word# 7699 for "breasts" in verses 4 and 21 - NOT found in Proverbs 5:19).
Some say it is "irrelevant"
The Virgin Birth a "true event?"
Presuming resurrection might have been
A hoax occurring way back when.
The miracles that Jesus did
Were myths of those who flipped their lid?
And all that did had THIS result:
Imposing one more WACKO cult?
Though skeptics have been proven wrong
The righteous saints still sing God's song,
Satanic doubters scoff The Way
Till Christ returns on Judgment Day!
Oh, Danny boy, the pipes, the pipes are calling,
From glen to glen, and down the mountain side;
The summer's gone, and all the roses falling,
It's you, it's you will go and I must bide.
But come ye back when summer's in the meadow,
Or when the valley's hushed and white with snow;
I will be here in sunshine or in shadow,
Oh, Danny boy, I love, I love you so!
But when ye come, and all the flowers are dying,
If I am gone, as dead I well might be,
You'll come and find the place where I am lying,
And kneel and say an Ave there for me.
And I shall hear, though soft you tread above me,
And all my grave will warmer, sweeter be;
For you will bend and tell me that you love me,
And I shall sleep, until you be with me.
"STRICKEN SMITTEN" (in a minor)
Stricken, beaten, and afflicted
See Him dying on the tree!
'Tis the Christ disowned, rejected,
But He's dying there for me;
He's the long-expected Savior,
David's Son, yet David's Lord;
God's Begotten, now has spoken
His own true and faithful Word.
Tell me, all who hear Him groaning,
Was there ever grief like His?
Friends thro' fear His cause disowning,
Foes insulting His distress;
Many hands were raised to wound Him,
None would interpose to save;
But the deepest stroke that pierced Him
Was the cause blind hatred gave.
Ye who think of sin but lightly,
Nor suppose the evil great
Here may view its nature rightly,
Here its guilt can estimate.
See the Sacrifice appointed,
Know who bore the awful load;
He's Messiah, God's Anointed,
Son of Man and Lamb of God.
Here we have a firm foundation,
Here the refuge of the lost;
Christ's the Rock of our salvation,
His the name above all cost
Grace of God, for sinners smitten
Wond'rous love to cancel guilt!
In the Book of Life is written
Those on Him their hope have built.
More love to Thee, O Christ, more love to Thee!
Hear Thou the prayer I make on bended knee.
This is my earnest plea
More love, oh Christ, to Thee
More love to Thee, more love to Thee!
Once earthly joy I craved, sought peace and rest
Now Thee alone I seek, give what is best.
This all my prayer shall be
More love, oh Christ to Thee
More love to Thee, more love to Thee!
Then shall my final breath whisper your praise
This be the parting sigh my heart shall raise
Still all my prayer shall be
More love, oh Christ to Thee
More love to Thee, more love to Thee!
More love to Thee, more love to Thee!
I'm just a poor wayfarin' stranger
Travelin' through this world below
There is no sickness, toil, nor danger
In that land to which I go
I'm goin' there to see my Father
And all my loved ones who've gone on
I'm just now goin' over Jordan
I'm just now goin' over home
I know dark clouds will gather 'round me
I know my way is hard and steep
But blessed fields arise before me
Where God's redeemed their vigils keep
I'm goin' there to see my Mother
She said she'd be there not alone
So now I'm just goin' over Jordan
I'm now just goin' over home.
From this valley they say you are goin'
I will miss your bright eyes and sweet smile
For they say you are takin' the reason
That has kept me from becoming vile.
Do you think of the valley you're leavin'
Oh how lonely and drear it will be
Do you think of the fond heart you're breakin'
And the sadness you've cast over me
For a long time my dear, I've been waiting
For the words that you never would say
And alas my poor heart you are breakin'
For they tell me you're goin' away
As you go to your home by the ocean
May you never forget those sweet hours
That we spent in the Red River Valley
And the love we exchanged mid the flowers
Come and sit by my side if you love me
Do not hasten to bid me adieu
But remember the Red River Valley
And the one who has loved you so true.
Heartaches by the number
Troubles by the score
Everyday you love me less
Each day I love you more
Yes, I've got heartaches by the number
A love that I can't win
But the day that I stop counting
That's the day my world will end
Heartache number one was when you left me
I never knew that I could hurt this way
And heartache number two was when you came back again
You came back but never meant to stay
Yes, I've got heartaches by the number
Troubles by the score
Everyday you love me less
Each day I love you more
Yes, I've got heartaches by the number
A love that I can't win
But the day that I stop counting
That's the day my world will end
Heartache number three was when you called me
And said that you were comin' back to stay
With hopeful heart I waited for your knock on the door
I waited but you must have lost your way
Yes, I've got heartaches by the number
Troubles by the score
Everyday you love me less
Each day I love you more
Yes, I've got heartaches by the number
A love that I can't win
But the day that I stop counting
That's the day my world will end.
Wrinkled krinkled senior star
You and I have both come far
From the day we both did wed
Often did hug tight in bed
Many times "I love you" said
Then to pause when we are dead.
When arisen from the ground
With our bodies fully sound
Joy eternally unbound
Youthful vigor newly found
Perfect oneness it shall be
There in bliss for all to see.
Praise the Christ who gave us life
Free from struggle, sorrow, strife,
No temptations in our way,
With our Jesus we will stay.
All that's evil gone away
Praise the Lord forever say.
On top of Old Smokey, All covered with snow;
There was an eruption, And lava did flow.
It rolled down the mountain, And burned up the trees;
The air filled with ash dust, which caused me to sneeze.
The ground was unstable, Had started to shake;
It threw me off balance, My knees they did quake.
I ran down in terror, And got in my car;
Then started the engine, And drove away far.
I zoomed past a woman, She looked young and scared;
Frightened and single, With face and hands bared.
I drove back to see if, She wanted a ride;
Came into my auto, I claimed her my bride.
She said she was hungry, We drove to a bar;
Then I and my new spouse, Got out of the car.
After we'd eaten, she wanted to rest;
We paid for motel room, Both cleaned each our best.
The room was delightful, Had only one bed;
We then did together, what's best left unsaid.
Born on a mountaintop in Tennessee
Greenest state in the land of the free
Raised in the woods so he knew ev'ry tree
killed him a b'ar when he was only three
Davy, Davy Crockett, king of the wild frontier.
Fought single-handed through the Injun War
Read them the Bible and they asked for more
While he was handlin' this noble chore
Made him a legend for evermore
Davy, Davy Crockett, king of the wild frontier
He give his word and then he give his hand
Promising redskins they could keep their land
Soon after that he took his stand
Justice went out for ev'ry redskin band
Davy, Davy Crockett, king of the wild frontier
Dave went to Congress and he served a spell
Fixin' the government and laws there as well
Took over Washington and we heard tell
He patched up the crack in the Liberty Bell
Davy, Davy Crockett, king of the wild frontier
When he came home, his politickin' done
Big western march had just begun
So he packed his gear and his trusty gun
And lit out grinning to follow the Sun
Davy, Davy Crockett, king of the wild frontier.
His land is biggest and his land is best
From grassy plains up to mountain crest
He led us all, and did meet the test
Making his fortune right into the West
Davy, Davy Crockett, king of the wild frontier.
Jesus, keep me near the cross,
There a precious fountain,
Free to all—a healing stream,
Flows from Calv’ry’s mountain.
In the cross, in the cross,
Be my glory ever;
Till my ransomed soul shall have
Rest and peace forever.
Near the cross, a trembling soul,
Love and mercy found me;
There the Bright and Morning Star
Sheds its beams around me.
Near the cross! O Lamb of God,
Bring its scenes before me;
Help me walk from day to day,
With its shadow o’er me.
Near the cross I’ll watch and wait,
Hoping, trusting ever,
Till I see my Savior’s face,
Leave His presence never.
Donald Trump, Donald Trump, does the nation mend
Donald Trump, Donald Trump, with his band of men
Feared by the bad, loved by the good
Donald Trump, Donald Trump, Donald Trump.
He called the great advisors to a hotel on the green
They vowed to help the people justice bring
The men then did so bravely rectify the country scene
And still they found enough fine time to sing
Donald Trump, Donald Trump, does the nation mend
Donald Trump, Donald Trump, with his band of men
Feared by the bad, loved by the good
Donald Trump, Donald Trump, Donald Trump.
He came into the White House with a bright red MAGA cap
He never was intending for a fight
His comments he kept ready, and his twittering would snap
Accurately battled for the right
Donald Trump, Donald Trump, does the nation mend
Donald Trump, Donald Trump, with his band of men
Feared by the bad, loved by the good
Donald Trump, Donald Trump, Donald Trump.
With Comey and his entourage they had a roguish look,
They did the deeds that others wouldn't dare,
And captured sums of money that the demoncrats had took,
Respecting noble precepts of Christ's Book.
Donald Trump, Donald Trump, does the nation mend
Donald Trump, Donald Trump, with his band of men
Feared by the bad, loved by the good
Donald Trump, Donald Trump, Donald Trump.
To cheating and corruption, he did never, ever yield
And danger was his task from day to day
The cobbler in the hamlet and the farmer in the field
Both cautiously did help him make his way
Donald Trump, Donald Trump, does the nation mend
Donald Trump, Donald Trump, with his band of men
Feared by the bad, loved by the good
Donald Trump, Donald Trump, Donald Trump.
He rode up into Washington, was cheered by those oppressed
Those Barack Obama had duressed
Ben of Israel knighted him a holy righteous Jew
Thus he those of Jacob did renew.
Donald Trump, Donald Trump, never does he bend
Donald Trump, Donald Trump, does subversives rend
Feared by the bad, loved by the good
Donald Trump, Donald Trump, Donald Trump.
1. Glory be to Jesus,
Who in bitter pains
Poured for me the life-blood
From His sacred veins!
2. Grace and life eternal
In that blood I find;
Blest be His compassion,
Infinitely kind!
3. Blest through endless ages
Be the precious stream
Which from endless torments
Does the saints redeem!
4. Abel's blood for vengeance
Pleaded to the skies;
But the blood of Jesus
For our pardon cries.
5. Oft as earth exulting
Wafts its praise on high,
Angel hosts rejoicing
Make their glad reply.
6. Lift we, then, our voices,
Swell the mighty flood,
Louder still and louder
Praise the precious blood!
Put your sweet lips a little closer to the phone
Let's pretend that we're together, all alone
I'll tell the man to turn the jukebox way down low
And you can tell your friend there with you, you'll have to go
Whisper to me, tell me do you love me true
Or would he be holding you the way I do?
Tho' love is blind, make up your mind, I've got to know
Should I hang up, or will you tell him, you'll have to go?
You can't say the words I want to hear
If you're with another man
Do you want me, answer yes or no
Darling, I will understand
When you're ready, phone me back, and let me know
So your loyal love for me can really grow
We'll join our hearts and then our hands, as man and wife
Be as one, in unity, throughout this life.
"ARMAGEDDON" (in e minor)
Soon . . .
When time is right . . .
Our Lord returns . . .
Comes back to fight . . .
If by day . . .
Or if by night . . .
Jesus will fight . . .
And make things right . . .
And those He hates . . .
He'll decimate . . .
Cut them down . . .
Right to the ground . . .
Dead in grief . . .
In disbelief . . .
No more around . . .
The saints in peace . . .
Will then increase . . .
And rule the Earth . . .
With no more dearth . . .
So soon . . .
When time is right . . .
Our Lord returns . . .
Comes back to fight . . .
If by day . . .
Or if by night . . .
Jesus will fight . . .
And make things right . . .
And make things right . . .
Your cheatin' heart
Will make you weep
You'll cry and cry
And try to sleep
But sleep won't come
The whole night through
Your cheatin' heart
Will tell on you
When tears come down
Like falling rain
You'll toss around
And call my name
You'll walk the floor
The way I do
Your cheatin' heart
Will tell on you
Your cheatin' heart
Will pine some day
And crave the love
You threw away
The time will come
When you'll be blue
Your cheatin' heart
Will tell on you
When tears come down
Like falling rain
You'll toss around
And call my name
You'll walk the floor
The way I do
Your cheatin' heart
Will tell on you
Good King Wenceslas looked out
On the Feast of Stephen
When the snow lay round about
Deep and crisp and even
Brightly shone the Moon that night
Though the frost was cruel
When a poor man came in sight
Gathering winter fuel.
Listen page, come stand by me,
If you know it, telling
Yonder peasant, who is he?
Where and what his dwelling?
Sire, he lives a good league hence,
Underneath the mountain
Right against the forest fence
By Saint Stephen's fountain.
Bring me flesh and bring me wine
Bring me pine logs hither
You and I shall see him dine
When we bear them thither.
Page and monarch, out they went
Forth they went together
Through the cold wind's wild lament
Of the bitter weather.
Sire, the night is darker now
And the wind blows stronger
To proceed I know not how
I can go no longer.
Walk my footsteps, close my page,
Tread you in them solely
Even 'gainst the winter's rage
Makes you journey boldly.
In his master's step he trod
Where the snow lay dinted
As the two of them did plod
Which the Saint had hinted
Therefore, Christian men, be sure
Wealth or rank possessing
You who now will guide the poor
Shall yourselves find blessing.
The N.T. Greek personhood word "brephos" (always meaning "babe")
is used verbatim for BOTH pre-born John in a womb in Luke 1:41
AND for already-born Jesus lying in a manger in Luke 2:16.
Breath of Silence [ WARNING: YouTube Meditation Video contains Barefoot-Female Nudity ].
fisherotica . . . /nudemass.mp3">Nude Male Reading of the Mass
Oh my lovely dear beloved
We did marry just in time
At the peak of youthful passion
Culminated so sublime
In the biffy near the old creek
We did mouth with tongues and lips
Growing manhood you did then seek
Rigid stiffness, twixt my hips.
Eagerness with eyes that did shine
Got your fingers twined in mine
Tightly hugging, bodies quivered
I with yours, and yours so fine.
Most ecstatic, we were barefoot
We orgasmicly did pine
Planted deep my seed within you
Coital spouse, while you were mine.
Promptly you conceived a child
In approval I did chime
You then birthed a babe so precious
Motherhood, and your first time.
I've been working on the railroad
All throughout the day
I've been working on the railroad
Just to get my take home pay
Soon to hear that whistle blowing
Train's running early in the morn
While the wind is gently blowing
Moving softly through the corn.
Fellas don't you know
I sure have to go
Expediting urgent stri-i-ide
There direct my hose
At the potty pose
All before I start to ride.
Eager soon to see you slow undress
All your clothes and bare your feet
Tenderly I all your parts caress
Lick whatever is so sweet.
Darling won't you blow
Sucking me below
Use your mouth the best you can-an-an
Let your juices flow
Cause the probe to grow
Bob your head to know your man.
Spreading legs I nose your crotch hair.
Flaunting what you like to show-ow-ow-ow
Rocking on you while you lay nude there
Digging in your deep below.
No sex for sale or rent; love is from my Jesus sent,
No nasty sexist twit, just a gal with savvy wit
Three hours with me her guy
Naked then and never shy
As spouses we were then on, honeymoon road.
Tight hugging, fondling right
Rubbing nude with all our might
We squirmed with sexy moves, digging in those private grooves
I fingered clit, licked breasts; she sucked on my cock her best
We then reached climax on that, honeymoon road.
I know what's her delight
She does me in ways just right
Bare buttocks, pussy sight
Bare soles are never trite
No sex for sale or rent; love is from my Jesus sent,
No nasty sexist twit, just a spouse with savvy wit
Three hours with me her groom
As she's nude with me in private room
In ecstasy we're still on, honeymoon road.
She is my sexmate, my precious sexmate,
With her I'm happy, and oh so fine
When we are unclothed, and hugging tightly
We orgasmic'ly recline.
As she laid naked, with both her legs spread
And her bare feet up when in bed
I sucked her clean toes, then licked her two soles
In vagina penis led.
In wild pulsations her body quivered
As we did gyrate locked as one
In heat of passion no chance for shivers
Ecstasy, erotic fun
She is my sexmate, my blessed sexmate,
As I perused her in her prime,
When we are naked, inserted tightly
in vagina, cum, on time.
I came from Minnesnowta
With a guitar on my knee,
I went to her in distant town
My true love for to see,
It snowed all night the day I left,
My clothing it weren't dry,
I knocked upon her dwelling door
She opened, I did sigh.
Oh! my sweetheart, took off my clothes for me
Led me into her bathroom near
Therein to help me pee.
You then down her long dark hair
As I was standing there
Kicked off her shoes as I stood bare
And socksless looked so fair
I then undid her buttoned blouse
Her bra-less breasts to press
Alone together in the house
Both nipples did caress
Oh! my dear one, bare topless there for me
Took me into her bedroom near
Her nude legs there to see.
I licked her arms, and fondled them
then pushed down her panties
And then while nude, and in the mood
You got down on her knees.
With cock in hand, and eager lips, she almost made me cum
But holding back, we moved in time,
She spread her legs for fun.
Oh! my gorgeous, did flaunt her feet to me
I did suck all her clean ten toes
Her naked soles to see.
I then spread out her vulval lips
Saw pussy hole so wet
And with my mouth with playful nips
My tongue in deep did get
I turned her on her tummy when
Massaging buttocks bare
My rigid cock quite promptly was
inserted way down there.
Oh! my honey, flipped turned right into me
Grabbed tight with all her sensuous might
Gave all that she could be.
With spasmic jerks her bod did shake
In ecstasy did quake.
Orgasmic gasps of breaths did take
And climaxed for my sake.
With penis in vagina there we rested for a stay
For quite a while as tightly both together we did lay.
Oh! beloved, I'm glad you came for me
As we in bed, then both formed one
Conceptual entity.
Oh, give me a home to have coitus alone
With naked and barefoot spouse play
In climax we groan and playfully moan
Hug tightly, fuck throughout the day
Home, home nude in bed
With naked spouse sexy words said
We fucked with our might, a most beautiful sight
With sperm your vagina was fed.
You let down your hair, and made your feet bare
Your blouse was then tossed through the air
As panties pushed down, my penis was found
While naked you fondled with care.
Home, home nude in bed
With naked spouse sexy words said
We fucked with our might, a most beautiful sight
With sperm your vagina was fed.
You knelt near the ground, licked my penis in sight
Then sucked it with urgent delight
Did then start to rise, to your great surprise
Arousal for you was not trite.
Home, home nude in bed
With naked spouse sexy words said
We fucked with our might, a most beautiful sight
With sperm your vagina was fed.
We climbed into bed, erotic talk said
I rubbed your butt, kissed each bare breast
With penis erect, down deep it was led
Inserted, thrust deep in your nest.
Home, home nude in bed
With naked spouse sexy words said
We fuck with our might, a most beautiful sight
With sperm your vagina was fed.
In bliss we both throbbed, your head and mine bobbed
The semen deposited deep
We both came on time, in passion sublime
Together bound tightly to sleep.
Home, home nude in bed
With naked spouse sexy words said
We fucked with our might, a most beautiful sight
With sperm your vagina was fed.
How often at night when the Moon is not bright
The stars above dazzle our sight
While nude lay amazed, at the stellar show gaze
Admire Christ's wonderful might.
Home, home nude in bed
With naked spouse sexy words said
We fucked with our might, a most beautiful sight
With sperm your vagina was fed.
Luke 22:20 and First Corinthians 11:23-26 instructs Christians to eat non-chromosomed spiritual-body morsels (not whole loaves) of Christ bread as described in John 6:52-69 and drink fermented wine from the cup of the new covenant in Christ's blood at least as often as once a year, preferably during passover per Hebrews 9:25, in remembrance of Him thus proclaiming the Lord's death until He comes, keeping in mind that whoever drinks any blood is cursed and shall be cut off from the people as stated in Leviticus 3:17, Deuteronomy 12;16 & 23 and Deuteronomy 15:23 plus Acts 15:19-20 and 28-29 - so eat your special grasshopper, non-scaley catfish, bacon and ham and pork, lamb, chicken and turkey, no-fins shrimp and crab and lobster and oyster and clams but not bat nor cat well-done, not medium rare - variety of which is alluded to in Mark 7:18-19.
Please now take off my clothes, drop down my knees, (down my knees)
Please now take off your clothes, drop down your knees, (down your knees)
When both bare as when born with our face to the setting sun,
We are prepping for coitus as we please (as we please)
I will fondle your breasts upon my knees (on my knees)
I will suck both your nipples on my knees (on my knees)
Then we'll mouth tongues and teeth, well away from the setting sun,
O Lord, how this does both of us please.
I will lick your bare vulva on my knees (on my knees)
I will tongue your vagina on my knees (on my knees)
As you moan with delight as your legs spread with parted feet
O Lord, you can see how this does please.
You will lick limpid penis on your knees (on your knees)
You will suck rigid penis on your knees (on your knees)
As you mouth back and forth going deep down into your throat
O Lord, pre-cum oozes down your knees.
I put cock into pussy, as I please (as I please)
You keep cock in vagina, as you please (as you please)
Trembling both merged as one in ecstatic orgasmic fun,
O Lord, bliss you give us, as you're pleased.
We will shower together to smell sweet (to smell sweet)
As we wash semen off while on our feet (while on our feet)
When we towel off our bods with our face to the rising sun,
O Lord, we are holy, clean, complete (and complete)
Sexy Christmas Guitar Songs
Summer temps getting kind of warm?
Have no fear, Yuletide will be here!
Oh the blizzard outside is frightful,
But your unclothed bod's delightful,
So kneeling down somewhat low,
Lick it so, suck it so, watch it grow.
When safely in bed this night,
While the storm rages on out of sight,
As you cuddle and hold me tight,
I hug you firm with my might.
Rising quickly with growing erection,
As your mouth performs perfection,
And just before spurting seed,
Your vagina supplies vital need.
When safely in bed this night,
While the storm rages on out of sight,
As you cuddle and hold me tight,
I hug you firm with my might.
Ejaculate squirts with cock thrust,
As connection's done in full trust,
Obeying our sensual urge,
In orgasm our bodies do merge.
When safely in bed this night,
While the storm rages on out of sight,
As you cuddle and hold me tight,
I hug you firm with my might.
As we fall asleep bare together,
Despite inclement weather,
God protects while the wind does blow,
As it snows, as it snows, as it snows.
"CONCUBINE, SENSUOUS SNOWDEER" (in G Major)(sung to Rudolph-the-Rednosed)
You know Darlene and Debbie and Penny and Stacey,
Connie and Carly and Donna and Tracy,
But do you all now recall,
The most famous sexmate of all?
Concubine my own Helpmate,
Did for me remove her clothes,
And when I saw her do that,
My responsive cock did grow.
All of the jealous harlots,
Used to laugh and call her names,
Chiding my dear spouse rudely,
Mercilessly each defamed.
Then on weekend's free reprieve,
I then came to say,
"Honey, in your naked sight,
Can, I fuck your crotch this night?"
Then how the whores did hate her,
While my spouse climaxed with glee,
Darling, my righteous Helpmate,
You keep making history.
"FANNIE, MY SNOWSPOUSE" (in G Major) (sung to Frosty-the-Snowthing)
Fannie, my churchmate,
As she let loose her long hair,
Slowly pulled off both her shoes and socks,
Then undressed me standing there
Slipped, off, her sweater,
And her jeans unzipped pushed down,
Losing bra stepped out of floored panties,
I with pleasure made no sound.
Then kneeling down all naked
She then sucked with eager mouth,
Looked down on her facing north,
She on knees, was facing south.
Grasping, my penis,
She pulled me down to floor,
Spreading legs and soles then begging me,
To completely give her more.
Fannie, beloved,
With climaxing fervent urge,
My erected cock went into her,
Spurts of semen in did surge.
When we awakened, joined as one
Inserted through the night,
We did shower semen off,
A most blessed, holy, sight.
Next day, inserted,
I pumped in her precious sperm,
As my sweetie with ecstatic joy,
Wild with passion held me firm.
Then, after breakfast,
Had to get right on my way,
I then kissed and hugged my Fannie dear,
Then returned at end of day.



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All is Lost (starring Robert Redford)
Castaway (starring Tom Hanks)
It has been Biblically prophesied that, after The 42-month Great Tribulation (read Revelation chapters 13 and 14), and then after The Millenium (read Revelation 20:4), promptly after the instant everything in the Universe "dissolves with a loud noise in fervent heat" . . .
[ But by the same Word the heavens and Earth that now exist have been stored up for Fire, being kept until The Day of Judgment and destruction of godless persons. Second Peter 3:7
The Day of the Lord will come like a thief, and then the heavens will pass away with a loud noise, and the elements will be dissolved with Fire, and the Earth and the works that are upon it will be annihilated. Second Peter 3:10
in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at The Last Trumpet. For The Trumpet will sound, and the dead will be raised imperishable, and we shall be changed. First Corinthians 15:52 ]
. . . ALL dead humans not previously resurrected to immortality . . .
[ Then I saw thrones, and seated on them were those to whom judgment was committed. Also I saw the souls of those who had been beheaded for their testimony to Jesus and for the Word of God, and who had not worshiped The Beast nor nor his Image and had not received his (666-tattoo embedded-ID-chip) Mark on their foreheads or their hands. They came to life, and reigned with Christ a thousand years. Revelation 20:4
The vast majority of dead humans did not come to life until The Thousand Years (reich) were ended. This is The First Resurrection. Revelation 20:5
Blessed and holy is whoever who shares in The First Resurrection! Over such The Second Death has no power, but they shall be priests of God and of Christ, and they shall reign with Him a thousand years. Revelation 20:6
As in Adam ALL die, so also in Christ shall ALL be made alive. First Corinthians 15:22
Then comes The End, when He delivers the kingdom to God the Father after destroying every rule and every authority and power. First Corinthians 15:24
Wow! I tell you a mystery: We shall not all "sleep," but we shall all be changed. First Corinthians 15:51
in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at The Last Trumpet, because The Trumpet will sound, and the dead will be raised imperishable, and we shall be changed. First Corinthians 15:52 ]
. . .will be judged . . .
[ Then I saw a Great White Throne and Him who sat upon it; from His presence Earth and sky fled away, and no place was found for them. Revelation 20:11
And I saw the dead, great and small, standing before the throne, and books were opened. Also another Book was opened, which is The Book of Life. And the dead were judged by what was written in the books, by what they had done. Revelation 20:12
And many of those who sleep in the dust of the Earth shall "awake," some to Everlasting Life, and some to shame and everlasting contempt. Daniel 12:2
We must ALL appear before The Judgment Seat of Christ, so that each one may receive good or evil, according to what they have done in the body. Second Corinthians 5:10
and if anyone's name was not found written in The Book of Life, they were thrown into The Lake of Fire. Revelation 20:15
and The Devil who had deceived them was thrown into The Lake of Fire and Brimstone where The Beast and The False Prophet were, and they will be tormented continuously forever. Revelation 20:10
And the smoke of their torment goes up forever; and they have no rest, continuously, the worshipers of The Beast and his Image, and whoever receives the (666) Mark of his name. Revelation 14:11
Then the King said to the Attendants, `Bind them hand and foot, and throw them into The Outer Darkness, where they will weep and gnash their teeth. Matthew 22:13
They shall suffer the punishment of Eternal Destruction and Exclusion away from the presence of the Lord and from the glory of His might. Second Thessalonians 1:9 ]
How long will it take for perhaps up to a trillion people to be judged for all they have done? Interrogated and respond one at a time, or as a huge group in unison, or what?
[ Then The King will say to those at His left hand, `Depart from me, you cursed, into The (Outer-Darkness) Eternal fire prepared for The Devil and his (demonic) angels, Matthew 25:41
Then they also will answer, `Lord, when did we see You hungry or thirsty or a stranger or naked or sick or in prison, and did not minister to You?' Matthew 25:44
And they will go away into Eternal Punishment, but the righteous into Eternal Life. Matthew 25:46 ]
What no eye has seen nor ear heard, God has prepared for those who love Him . . . and against those who hate Him.
[ But, as it is written, "What no eye has seen, nor ear heard, nor the heart of humans conceived, what God has prepared for those who love Him," First Corinthians 2:9 ]